On a mission to reduce the number of homeless animals
in the Greater Houston area.
Spay / Neuter
Help us spay and neuter pets in the underserved areas of Houston
Are you ready for a new furry friend? Check out our adoptable dogs and cats
Fill out a volunteer form to let us know how you would like to help
Learn the importance of spaying and neutering and how to recognize animal abuse
Since 2012 SAVE Rescue has been on the frontline of the homeless pet problem by rescuing and promoting adoptions for both dogs and cats.
We will never adopt our way out of the homeless pet problem, but we can reduce the number of animals that need to be rescued.
Spaying and neutering stops the cycle of unwanted and abandoned litters. It is the future of conquering the homeless problem.
Over 9,000 animals have been rescued by our program and over 10,000 animals have been altered and are no longer adding to the homeless population.
Saving one animal at a time
over 11,000 animals fixed, vaccinated and chipped via SAVE/ Fix ur Pet Outreach Programs
585 animals entered SAVE in 2024 for medical care and adoption
9746 dogs, cats and 3 bunnies SAVEd since inception in 2012
5061 s/n through our Fix ur Pet Clinic. 1024 fixed through SAVE and Fix Ur Pet Outreach
What we are doing about the pet overpopulation problem in the Greater Houston/Galveston area.
Support our clinic Fix ur Pet Wellness and Spay Neuter.
Did you know in the first year of operation we performed over 2000 surgeries? To date we have completed over 10,000 spay/neuter surgeries.
In January 2024 FixurPet Wellness Clinic opens offering affordable wellness care for pet owners. Services will include low cost spay/neuter, dental cleaning and extractions, preventive care and minor surgeries for injury, mass removal and amputations. It will be a strictly “no frills” clinic offering quality affordable care for your pets. Visit our website for more info. Fixurpet.com
We continue community outreach in the greater Houston/Galveston County area for cats and dogs to be spayed and neutered for low-income and low information pet owners. In addition, we help good Samaritans with stray cats so they do not continue to breed.
Here's how you can help >
Partnerships solve problems.
Our partners increase our capacity to help more people become better pet owners by expanding awareness and promoting county-wide services.
Read about our partners and how we work together >
Houston PetSet
PETCO Love Foundation
Best Friends Animal Society
Lifeline of Galveston County
Galveston Island Humane Society
Galveston County Animal Resource Center
Rachel Ray "Save them All" Grant
Leslie L Alexander Foundation
Houston PetSet PETCO Love Foundation Best Friends Animal Society Lifeline of Galveston County Galveston Island Humane Society Galveston County Animal Resource Center Rachel Ray "Save them All" Grant Leslie L Alexander Foundation

"Someone should help, I said. Then I realized I was someone so I did"
Angela McGhee, founder SAVE Rescue.
All Volunteer
We value our donors and the gifts they provide for our operations. SAVE is an all-volunteer organization with no officer or volunteer receiving any compensation. Each dollar goes to the intended purpose, the care of animals and the prevention of unwanted births.
Medical Best Practices
To provide the highest quality, most cost effective care we follow the latest in veterinary medical practices. Working with veterinary professionals, we have established standards for care of all animals we intake, trained medical fosters to administer care that might otherwise require expensive hospitalization and work on preventative care. Dollars saved treat more animals.
Measurable Results
SAVE has been recognized as an innovative organization by Houston PetSet, The Rachel Ray Foundation, Best Friends and Petco Love in the form of grants awarded for projects of noteworthy importance. In 2023 SAVE has been the recipient of over $85,000 in grants so far this year.