About S.A.V.E Rescue Coalition
S.A.V.E Rescue Coalition was formed for the purpose of reducing the homeless pet problem through Spay/Neuter, Adoption, Volunteering and Education.

Our mission is to provide rescue for at-risk dogs and cats in the Greater Houston Metro/Galveston County area using a network of hard-working volunteers and fosters.
Our Environment
Living in the shadow of the 4th Largest city in the US exposes us to hundreds of thousands of stray, neglected animals. While some neighborhoods are cheery and stray-free, other parts of our area look like a third-world country with unwanted, hungry abandoned animals everywhere.
Our temperate climate and the absence of compassionate animal control laws make for a year-round “breeding season”. Our phones and social media are constantly full of emergencies. We cannot SAVE them all, but we take all ages, breeds, and medical conditions into our care.
We focus on companion animals, dogs and cats, and are the rescue of last resort for many animals who find themselves clinging to life.
We provide veterinary care, food, and safe, caring homes for these forgotten animals in a very cost-effective way.
This level of care is often not possible for the underfunded, overworked, and overcrowded Houston Shelters.
S.A.V.E RESCUE is manned by volunteers who juggle their own family, work, and friends to make a difference for Houston’s homeless pets.
While we save over 98% of all animals taken into our care, we receive no taxpayer funds and depend entirely on donations.
100% of all funds received go to the benefit of the animals.
No officer or volunteer receives any compensation.
Looking for Answers
We cannot adopt our way out of the homeless pet overpopulation problem. We must address the root cause, the number of unwanted pets being born each year. In 2020, S.A.V.E. Rescue purchased $20,000.00 of veterinary hospital equipment to start a much-needed spay-neuter clinic that would increase the availability of services in low-income Galveston County.
We provided low cost/free spay-neuter services in low-income areas where there are few low-cost spay/neuter alternatives.
Fix Ur Pet-Community Outreach had its first event in Sept 2020 and vaccinated, microchipped, and altered 8937 animals for lower-income Galveston and surrounding county residents until being incorporated into our new project. In January 2024 we opened an access to care, low cost wellness and spay/neuter clinic, FIX UR PET to carry on community outreach as well as offer lower cost services to the general public,
We have funded this program in its entirety from donations and grants to SAVE RESCUE.
We are thankful to have received grants from Best Friends-Rachel Ray Foundation “SAVE them All”, Petco Love Foundation, Houston PetSet, the Leslie Alexander Foundation, the Summerlee Foundation, and numerous local family foundations.
Community Outreach Results
Through Fix Ur Pet Community Outreach 8937 pets were fixed for free for low income Galveston County residents since inception in Sept. 2020 through December 31, 2023. Since opening our access to care clinic, our numbers have soared to 14854 animals fixed through our Fix ur Pet Low Cost Wellness and Spay Neuter Clinic and weekend Community Outreach Clinic through Dec. 31, 2024. We have expanded our community outreach to include northern Brazoria and south Harris County.
Our Lifesaving Report Card 2024
In 2024 S.A.V.E. had 586 animals enter our adoption program, 250 dogs and 336 cats. Of those animals, most were adopted, some returned to their owners, and others were transferred to our rescue partners in other areas of the country.
12 animals died in our care or were euthanized for terminal illness or as a result of complications from illness. Our live release rate for 2024 was 98%. Since its inception as a rescue in November of 2012, over 9,500 animals have been taken in by S.A.V.E. Rescue as of 12/31/2024.
Fostering allows us to Rescue more animals
Volunteering allows us to hold more Adoption Events and Clinics to care for more Animals and Find more Homes
Donating helps us fund Events, medical treatment, spay-neuter services, and care for our adoptable animals.